Invest in your most important resource - your managers and emerging leaders - through The Saratoga County Institute of Management
Help your new managers and emerging leaders succeed with the soft skills and technical skills they need through this innovative program that:
- Teaches key skills and tools in an accelerated 6-week format
- Helps improve employee retention by avoiding classic management mistakes often made without proper training after a promotion
- Shows your company or organization is dedicated to talent development and personal growth
- Embeds your employee with a cohort of fellow leaders to connect with and learn alongside throughout the program
- Introduces participants to key area leaders and subject matter experts
- Augments, or serves as, your training team to teach employees the skills they may need as they grow into management or other leadership roles
The Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce and Empire State University have partnered to create the Saratoga County Institute of Management (SCIM), with pilot funding support from the Saratoga County Capital Resources Corporation (SCCRC).
The program is organized into two six-week tracks that are meant to rapidly enhance skillsets and compliment each other. The learning tracks are taught by experienced professionals and subject matter experts from throughout the region.
The Curriculum
The Saratoga County Institute of Management is your chance to provide your key staff with development opportunities so they can succeed, grow and thrive. Below is an outline of the topics, skills and management concepts that will be explored in depth in each of two separate tracks, offered in succession. Participants do not have to complete track one to participate in track two.
TRACK ONE (6 Weeks): Mastering Personal and Team Management
Registration for Track One is closed. Please email gdixon@saratoga.org if you are interested in this track for a future date. Track Two does have limited openings available still.
Unlock Your Personal Potential and Elevate Your Team with These Sessions:
1. Understanding Yourself and Others
2. Mindful and Inclusive Leadership
3. Conflict Resolution
4. Coaching and Motivation
5. Team Dynamics and Effective Team Building
6. Communications and Presentations
Tuesdays - 8:30-Noon on March 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22 at Empire State University, 2 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs
Track One Instructors
Kathleen Fyfe
Fyfe Consulting
Christopher Thomas
Elite 9 Talent Solutions
Libby Clark
Law Office of M. Elizabeth Clark, Esq. P.C.
Theresa Agresta
Culture Talk
TRACK TWO (6 Weeks): Strategic Management Excellence
Manage With Vision and Precision with These Sessions:
1. Recruiting and Retaining Talent
2. HR and Legal Issues for Managers
3. Strategy, Goals and Planning
4. Finance and Budgeting for Managers
5. Project and Meeting Management
6. Time Management
Tuesdays - 8:30-Noon on April 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27, June 3 at Empire State University, 2 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs
Track Two Instructors
Mike Billok
Bond, Schoeneck, and King PLLC
Richard Sellers
Retired Executive / SCORE Mentor
Kathleen Fyfe
Fyfe Consulting
Dr. John Beckem II
SUNY Associate Professor / SCORE Mentor
Gary Smith
Elite 9 Talent Solutions
Shaun Lehnert
Elite 9 Talent Solutions
Additional instructors to be announced.
Costs and Registration
You can enroll an employee in one or both tracks. Track one does not need to be completed prior to participation in track two.
- Cost per employee per track is $945 for Saratoga County Chamber members.
- Cost per employee per track is $1,445 for non-Chamber members.
Each class will have no more than 24 participants.
Scholarship support is available for impact sector organizations and small businesses. Please contact Greg Dixon at gdixon(at)saratoga.org for details.
Financial support for this program's original pilot was provided by the Saratoga County Capital Resources Corporation.
For questions about registration, please contact Greg Dixon via email at gdixon@saratoga.org

With funding support for the pilot from:
Testimonials from employers:

Testimonials from past participants:

Additional testimonials from past participants:
"I would recommend this program to others. It is a great opportunity to learn from peers in other industries and from the facilitators on their perspectives and experiences. The sessions built upon each other."
"This was an awesome experience. It really changes the way you think about everything, and it is realistic and applicable to everyday use!"
"I thought it flew by and was so helpful. I will really miss these classes! I think most of us got into management because we were good at our jobs, but it takes a different skill set to manage people."