Regardless of Industry, there are some truths about being in business:
- Your staff are your most valuable resource.
- You recognize this and look for opportunities for them to develop and grow.
- You are promoting or looking to promote from within your organization.
- You don’t have the internal capacity to teach your employees the skills they may need as they grow into management or other leadership roles.
The Saratoga County Chamber of Commerce, Empire State College, and the Saratoga County Capital Resources Corporation (SCCRC) have partnered to create a solution to this challenge – the Saratoga County Institute of Management (SCIM).
By selecting employees to participate in this program, you will be providing them with the tools and training they need to continue to grow and excel in your organization.
The program is organized into 3 three-month tracks. Send someone to all three tracks for advanced learning or select the individuals you believe will benefit most by participating in the targeted tracks. Sessions will be held from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm at Empire State College, 113 West Avenue in Saratoga Springs.
The learning tracks are centered around themes; Self-Awareness, Management of Others, and Operational Management, .
The Saratoga County Institute of Management allows you to invest in your most important resource - your staff!
No one gets promoted, goes to sleep, and wakes up the next day with a new set of skills. The Saratoga County Institute of Management is your chance to provide your key staff with development opportunities so your they can succeed, grow and thrive. Below is an outline of the topics, skills and key managment concepts that will be explored in depth in each of the three separate tracks:
Sessions in Self Awareness include:
01/24 Orientation and DiSC
02/07 Conscious Leadership
02/28 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
03/13 Communications
03/27 Time Management
04/03 Effective Listening
Sessions in Management of Others include:
05/01 Orientation
05/15 Followership
05/29 Setting Goals and Planning
06/12 Inspiring Motivation
06/26 Performance Management
07/10 Conflict Resolution
07/24 Continuous Improvement
Sessions in Operational Management include:
09/11 Orientation
09/18 Moving from Peer to Management
10/02 Basic Business Financials
10/16 HR and Legal Issues for Managers
10/30 Meeting Management
11/06 Managing Customer Service
11/27 Recruitment and Retention
* Dates to be finalized at a later date
Rules and the cost to participate
You can enroll an employee in one or all of the tracks. Select based on the skills they need to grow.
Cost per employee per track is $1500 for Saratoga County Chamber members.
Cost per employee per track is $2000 for non Chamber members.*
Each class will have no more than 24 people.
Should you be interested in registering more than one employee to participate, discounts are available.
Scholarships are available for impact sector organizations and small businesses.
Financial support of this important pilot program is being provided by the Saratoga County Capital Resources Corporation.
Ready to develop and grow your staff?
"The Saratoga County Board of Supervisors, through the Saratoga County Capital Resources Corporation, is excited to support this program. We recognize that Workforce Development is one of the most important ways we can help our business and economic development to grow. Businesses who work to develop their people, their most important resource, will excel in the future."
Anita Daly, Chairperson, SCCRC
Watch this video below to learn more!
Questions about the program?
Please contact Todd Shimkus via via email at with any questions you might have about the Saratoga County Institute for Management.
Ready to develop and grow your staff?
Testimonials from past participants:
I would recommend this program to others. It is a great opportunity to learn from peers in other industries and from the facilitators on their perspectives and experiences. The sessions built upon each other.
This was an awesome experience and I cannot wait to take the other tracks. It really changes the way you think about everything and it is realistic and applicable to everyday use!
I thought it flew by and was so helpful. I will really miss these classes! I think most of us got into management because we were good at our jobs but it takes a different skill set to manage people.
I found the program very beneficial. I truly learned and enjoyed and will miss being here every other Friday.