Volunteers help make our community great and we need YOUR involvement!
Are you looking for opportunities to volunteer in Saratoga County and beyond? Below are volunteer stories to inspire you and causes with details on how you can help. Pitch-In by contacting them directly today!

Moreau Community Center
Mission: To meet the intergenerational needs of the community in a compassionate and inclusive environment.
Volunteer Needs:
- Bulldog Zone – After-school teen drop-in program. Adult volunteers needed on Tuesdays 2-6pm to assist with teen activities
- Greeters – volunteers needed to greet visitors to the center
- Thrift Store & Food Pantry – various activities
- Bingo – kitchen volunteers to help with food prep, Thursdays 4-9pm
- Special events and occasional center projects (painting, yard clean-up, lifting of boxes for food pantry)
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Cindy Brennan at (518)792-6007 x19 or cynthia@moreaucommunitycenter.org

Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar
Mission: Helping Scholars from Saratoga Springs High School Reach Their Education and Career Goals
Volunteer Needs:
- Seeking volunteer mentors to share their experiences one on one with a high school students. Mentors should have a minimum of three years experience in their career, with Post-secondary learning - college, training programs and/or apprenticeships. Expectation is to connect with the student in person 1-2x per year and 1x per month by call, email or text during the school year.
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Information and mentor application can be found on the website: www.saratogasponsorascholar.org under the MENTOR tab or by calling 518-207-7682

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Capital Region Chapter
Mission: To save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide.
Volunteer Needs:
- Emerging Leaders Committee
- Board of Directors leadership
- Fundraiser event planning help
- Help representing AFSP at outreach and info tabling events
- Help with prevention education programs, loss and healing support programs, public policy advocacy at state and federal levels
- Assist with communications (social media, newsletters, marketing), and more.
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Complete the volunteer application via the chapter website http://www.afsp.org/crny or email Missy Stolfi, Chapter Area Director at mstolfi@afsp.org or call 518-791-1544 to get started.

Adirondack Folk School
Mission: The Adirondack Folk School celebrates and preserves the cultural heritage of the Adirondacks and promotes creativity and self-reliance by teaching the arts, crafts, and traditions that define our legendary region.
Volunteer Needs:
- AFS needs volunteers to help distribute catalogs
- Help out with some of our events (set up, break down, etc.)
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Interested volunteers can complete the form at https://adirondackfolkschool.org/support/volunteer/

National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame
Mission: to preserve and promote the history of thoroughbred racing in America and honor the sport’s most accomplished participants in the Official National Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame.
Volunteer Needs:
- Museum Tour Guides (year-round)
- Oklahoma Training Track Tour Guides (May through October)
- Event help (year-round)
- Mailing help (year-round)
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Online application through the website (Volunteer Application) or reach out to education program coordinator, Madeleine Egger at megger@racingmuseum.net or phone 518-584-0400 ext. 103.

Alzheimer's Association NENY
Mission: The Alzheimer's Association leads the way to end Alzheimer's and all other dementia - by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support.
Volunteer Needs:
- Increase awareness of Alzheimer's Association programs and services at local events
- Deliver education presentations using prepared training materials on topics related to Alzheimer's disease and other dementia
- Build partnerships with community and faith organizations
- Facilitate support groups for dementia caregivers
- Help plan, execute and assist at events, such as the Walk to End Alzheimer's in Albany, Schenectady or Queensbury
- Use your story to help make Alzheimer's a national priority by writing, calling, emailing or visiting government officials
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer: Contact Tammy LaFountain at tlafountain@alz.org or 518.675.7201. You can also visit www.alz.org/volunteer.

Crossroads Center for Children
Mission: To prepare individuals with and without developmental disabilities for life success within their family and community.
Volunteer Needs:
• Ongoing volunteers to work in the classrooms under the supervision of the teacher.
• Ongoing volunteers to work on projects behind the scenes.
• One-off groups of volunteers to complete a volunteer day for a bigger project
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Visit https://crossroadcenter.org/volunteer-at-crossroads-center-for-children/ or email Vickir@crossroadcenter.org

Friends of the Saratoga Springs Public Library
Mission: To bolster the public library’s programs, personnel, and facilities. As a not-for-profit community group, we are committed to supplying financial resources and volunteer assistance that the library might not have the means to offer.
Volunteer Needs:
- Volunteers needed for both the Friends Book Shop and Friends Coffee Shop
- Volunteer duties can include cashier, book sorting, inventory control, online research, online posting, outreach, and more (Shifts can fit into your schedule)
- Seasonal volunteers needed for the Saratoga Book Festival (October)
- Volunteers are needed on an ongoing basis, all year long.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Website: https://friends.sspl.org/
Volunteer interest Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVnM5p63H3yG9LCakPGZxb3flMfHVu9eu0CK-tXOZ_QOk9Jw/viewform

CAPTAIN Community Human Services
Mission: Lifting people up. Building brighter futures.
Volunteer Needs:
- Homework Help Volunteers (Elementary: 2:45–3:45 PM, Middle School: 4–5 PM, High School: 5–6 PM) -Once per week commitment
- Drivers for Homework Help (4–5 PM) -Once per week commitment
- Drivers for Care Links Senior Services- Volunteer selects rides/days and times as they fit their own schedule
- Friendly Visits to Seniors Living Independently- once per week commitment- schedule determined by volunteer and senior
- Family Development Mentors- long term mentoring for clientele in poverty- training/support provided
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer: Community members interested in volunteering with CAPTAIN CHS can:
- Email: bill@captaincares.org
- Call: (518) 399-4624
- Visit: Captaincares.org to learn more about how volunteers help impact our community.

Backstretch Employee Service Team of NY
Mission: Caring for the people who care for the horses.
Volunteer needs:
- Spanish Translators for medical and a variety of necessary appointments. (May-Oct.)
- Transportation to general and specialty care appointments. (May-Oct.)
- Sort and distribute donations at our Free store on the backstretch. (June-Sept.)
- Set up, participate, serve meals and clean up at backstretch community events and off-site fundraisers. (June-Aug.)
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer: Visit their webpage to learn more https://www.bestbackstretch.org/support or email Sheriza@bestbackstretch.org

Capital District YMCA
Mission: The Capital District YMCA supports, engages, and strengthens the Capital Region community through programs and partnerships focused on youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. The Capital District YMCA welcomes all people, enhances lives through personal growth opportunities and promotes diversity, equity and inclusion in all we do for youth, adults, families, and our community.
Volunteer Needs:
Many opportunities exist to pitch-in and help out. Please visit the Project Catalog to see the many options available.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Visit the Project Catalog or register to volunteer at this link - https://cdymca.volunteermatters.org/register

Sustainable Saratoga
Mission: Sustainable Saratoga's mission is to promote sustainable practices and natural resource protection through education, advocacy, and action, for the benefit of current and future generations in the Saratoga Springs area.
Volunteer Needs:
- Program committee membership- Urban Forestry, Zero Waste, Pollinators, Land Use, or Climate and Energy
- Event volunteers for The Saratoga Sustainability Fair (April 5, 2025), Tree Toga (April 26, 2025), Pollinator Palooza (May 31, 2025), Saratoga Recycles Day (October 2025), and Paint Collection Day (October 2025)
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
- Anyone interested in volunteering, either one time at an event or ongoing as part of a committee, can email info@sustainablesaratoga.org

Franklin Community Center
Mission: To work collaboratively with individuals and other agencies to provide services that will improve the quality of life and foster a sense of neighborhood, community and family for all people.
Volunteer Needs:
- Purchase and pack assorted snack bags for their Food Pantry and Project Lift program! This can be done for a volunteer day on site, or off site and dropped off. Ongoing need.
- Help plant, tend, and harvest our Food Pantry vegetable garden. Seasonal need- spring/summer.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
For more information and to volunteer, please fill out their Volunteer Application or contact meg@franklincommunitycenter.org.

AIM Services
Mission: Dedicated to supporting the “power of potential” in people of diverse abilities. Through community based services, advocacy, and education, dedicated professionals focus on supporting people in achieving their personal goals, while promoting self-confidence and independence.
Volunteer Needs:
518 Day – Join AIM for a clean-up, planting, and beautification event at the AIM Common Roots Community Garden in Saratoga as they prepare for the growing season.
Spring/Fall Clean-Up Days – Lend a hand in tidying up yards and planting flowers at the residential homes of the people AIM supports.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
For more information and to volunteer, please email development@aimservicesinc.org.

Saratoga Springs Heritage Area Visitor Center
Mission: The Saratoga Heritage Area Visitor Center serves leisure travelers from around the world, as well as the local community and Saratoga County. They are proud to welcome everyone to their beautiful, historic building to enjoy their unique services including their historic guided walking tours, ghost trolley tours, Summer Concert Series in Congress Park and more! They offer interactive exhibits, maps, brochures, and travel guides highlighting area attractions, events, outdoor activities and dining options. Make them your first stop to discover how their unique Visitor Center can serve you!
Volunteer Needs:
- Year-round as a Desk Ambassador
- Seasonally for events (Chowderfest, Summer Concert Series program, etc.)
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Complete their volunteer form here or contact Karen Verrigni, Director at Karen@discoversaratoga.org or 518-587-3241

Saratoga Senior Center
Mission: Since 1955 the mission of the Saratoga Senior Center is to empower seniors to achieve and maintain personal independence and individual well-being by providing the program structure and support services necessary for healthy recreation, companionship, social involvement, and problem solving.
Volunteer Needs:
At The Center -
- Front Desk
- Van Drivers for Van Trips
- Food Bank Assistance for Delivering Food
For Their SLT Program -
- Transportation to Doctor Visits
- Friendly Visitors
- Volunteer needs are ongoing but also need help seasonally for spring/fall clean-up of seniors' yards.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Contact Volunteer Coordinator Barbara Devlin: barbarad@saratogaseniorcenter.org or at (518)584-1621 ext. 2008 or visit their Volunteer page on their website

Catholic Charities Saratoga, Warren & Washington Counties
Mission: Catholic Charities, a ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Albany, is committed to active witness on behalf of the Scriptural values of mercy and justice. Catholic Charities, recognizing human need at all stages of life, responds to all persons regardless of race, creed, or lifestyle, with special emphasis on the economically poor and the vulnerable. Catholic Charities serves and empowers persons in need, advocates for a just society, calls forth and collaborates with women and men of good will in fulfillment of its mission.
Volunteer Needs:
For their Saratoga Mentoring Program
- Volunteer for 1 hour a week to mentor a child providing profound benefits to a child’s self-esteem/self-worth. Mentoring is a highly rewarding volunteer opportunity that has life-changing benefits (for both the Mentor and Mentee). 4 hours a month/One Year Commitment.
- Local Business Connection - They are actively looking for businesses to link Mentors with! Recreation, educational, entertainment, and leisure are all areas they seek to connect with.
For Mary’s Haven – a two-bed hospice home in Saratoga
Volunteers needed to help care for terminally ill residents. Flexible times available. No healthcare experience needed; training is provided. Help care for the residents, with housekeeping, gardening, meal preparation, fundraising and more.
Volunteers and mentors are needed at all times of the year.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
For Saratoga Mentoring – email Harry Bassett (hbassett@swwcc.org) or Gianna Liberatore at (gliberatore@swwcc.org) or call 518-581-1487. Info and application also available online at Saratogamentoring.org.
For Mary’s Haven - please reach out to Agatha or Peggy at 518-584-9397 or email jmunger@swwcc.org

Logan Strong Foundation
Mission: Logan Strong Foundation is dedicated to supporting local childhood cancer patients and their families throughout both inpatient and outpatient treatments. They provide essential items to enhance comfort, entertainment, and overall well-being during this challenging time. Their mission is to empower families, one child at a time.
Volunteer Needs:
Event volunteers are needed for:
Gold Gala in May -
Volunteers are needed to assist with event setup and breakdown, as well as support the management of our silent auction.
Annual Golf Tournament in September -
Volunteer roles for this event include setup and breakdown, directing golfers, and assisting with the hole-in-one contest.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
For more information on how to volunteer at these events, visit https://loganstrongfoundation.org/ or contact them at contact@loganstrongfoundation.org.

Saratoga Springs History Museum
Mission: Telling the Story of Saratoga Springs Since 1883, their mission is to foster public education and chronicle the story of Saratoga Springs’ history by operating the History Museum, conducting programs, and collecting, preserving, exhibiting and interpreting materials that document the city’s social, political, economic, geological and cultural history.
Volunteer Needs:
Docent (Tour Guide)
- Greet visitors and provide an overview of the museum to encourage visitation
- Provide scripted guided tours of the first floor of the Canfield Casino
- Develop a working knowledge of all exhibits in the museum
- Shifts are 10:00 – 1:00 or 1:00-4:00
- All training materials are provided
- Experience as a guide is not necessary
Visitor Services
- Greet visitors and explain what the museum has to offer
- Collect admission fees and process gift shop sales
- Occasionally assist staff with office tasks when admission is slow.
- Shifts are 10:00 – 1:00 or 1:00-4:00
- Training is provided
Dates Needed: March 1 – December 22 weekdays or weekends
Time commitment: (1) 3-hour shift per week (more if desired)
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Email James Parillo at jparillo@saratogahistory.org, or call 518-584-6920 x102 to set up an interview

The Friends of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage
Mission: The Friends of Ulysses S. Grant Cottage, Inc. interprets and promotes the compelling and uniquely American story of the Ulysses S. Grant Cottage State Historic Site, National Historic Landmark, and American Literary Landmark to educate and inspire the widest possible audience.
Volunteer Needs:
- Cottage Tour Guide
- Visitor Greeter
- Educational Assistant
- Overlook Interpreter
- Outreach Representative
- Program & Event assistance
- Additional opportunities available
Volunteers are needed from April through October. Grant Cottage is located just 9 miles from downtown Saratoga Springs. Schedules are flexible, and training is provided to all volunteers.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
To volunteer or learn more, visit
https://www.grantcottage.org/volunteer or go directly to their Volunteer Application.

LifeWorks Community Action
Mission: To provide access to programs that fulfill our neighbors’ immediate needs, while delivering the skills, tools and opportunities they require to establish economic security for themselves, their families and communities.
Volunteer Needs:
- The Pantry
- The Kitchen
- ESL Tutoring
- Special Projects
- General Assistance
- Volunteer help is needed year round
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Visit their website at https://www.lifeworksaction.org/volunteer and complete the LifeWorks Volunteer Interest Form or email info@lifeworksaction.org

Mission: Empowering youth, adults and families to build brighter futures. Vanderheyden began as an orphanage in 1833 and now provides a wide range of programs and services to youth and adults with histories of abuse, emotional challenges, developmental disabilities, or who are caring for a family member with special needs. They serve over 700 people each year throughout New York State. They have a school for at-risk youth in grades 7-12. They also offer group homes that provide safe, supportive, 24/7 care to individuals with severe emotional and behavioral healthcare challenges.
Volunteer Needs:
Wynantskill location:
- Painting
- Landscaping
Glens Falls location:
- Front porch and decking needs repainting
- Spring cleaning and fall clean up
- Plant flowers in front/back of the house
How To Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Contact Director of Marketing and Development, Cathy Yudzevich, at (518) 874-4901 or cyudzevich@vanderheyden.org

Hudson Crossing Park
Mission: Hudson Crossing Park is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to tie environmental responsibility to economic revitalization and engage people of all ages and abilities in making informed choices for a sustainable future.
- Helping care for the park's native pollinator gardens
- Mowing park grounds and trails
- Picking up litter
- Helping at events (assisting with parking, working an info table, etc)
- Assisting with park improvement projects (facility maintenance, trail improvements, etc)
- Don't see an activity you're interested in? Reach out to them! They always need help and are sure they can find something for you to enjoy doing while giving back.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Interested volunteers can fill out an interest form on our website: www.hudsoncrossingpark.org/volunteer-3 or email info@hudsoncrossingpark.org

Wilton Food Pantry
Mission: To provide food assistance to the residents of northern Saratoga County who might need it.
Volunteer Needs:
- Volunteers to assist with food pick-ups at the local Hannaford 3 mornings a week. Approximately 2 hours per day.
- People to work with existing volunteers to serve our patrons Saturday morning and/or Wednesday evening. Approximately 3 hours each day.
- People to assist existing volunteers Monday mornings processing the food delivery from the Regional Food Bank. 2-3 hours
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Contact: Director Peter Maynard at pmaynard@wiltonfoodpantry.org or 518-350-4456. More information is available at WiltonFoodPantry.org

Veterans and Community Housing Coalition
Mission: The Veterans & Community Housing Coalition (VCHC) provides housing opportunities and support services to all homeless and low-income military veterans and their families.
Volunteer Needs:
- Host a Food Drive - Any Veteran that VCHC serves is eligible to receive
food from their Food Pantry, which is solely stocked from donations. This includes canned goods and nonperishable items, cleaning supplies, and personal care items. They are NOT able to accept used clothing. - Furnish a Veteran’s Apartment - Collect small household items, including tables, lamps, microwaves, toaster ovens, cooking utensils, bed sets, pillows, etc. The majority of Veterans who come to VCHC are without anything and are provided with an apartment and all furnishings.
- Sponsor A Meal - The residents of the 5-bed Women’s “Guardian” House or 12-bed Men’s “Vet House will accept catered meals from a restaurant any night of the week. Drop off or stay and chat with a Veteran for dinner.
- Beautification Projects – Enjoy the outdoors and help VCHC maintain their beautiful Transitional Houses and Veteran Apartments grounds in early spring by planting flowers, gardening, raking leaves, etc.
- Plan a Benefit Event – Plan a BBQ, walk, run, golf tournament, motorcycle ride, etc. to raise funds for programs at VCHC.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Reach out to Marian Eck, Meck@VCHCNY.org; 518-885-0091

Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park
Mission: To provide environmental education and opportunities for outdoor recreation while supporting conservation of ecological systems and natural settings.
Volunteer Needs:
- Helping with trail maintenance and clean-up
- Working on habitat improvements
- Being trail stewards
- Picking & cleaning seeds of native plants
- Helping with our Annual Wildlife Festival
- Participating in Citizen Science projects
- Helping with our Wild About Blue fundraiser
- Helping with office tasks and mailings
- Renting out snowshoes and cross-country skis
- Leading walks
- Assisting with public programs and helping at community events
- Sharing information about our mission and programs with family, friends, and neighbors!
- Volunteers are able to help out year-round.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Please contact public outreach coordinator Bella Osborn at bella@wiltonpreserve.org or visit their website: https://www.wiltonpreserve.org/get-involved/volunteer-opportunities

Saratoga Joinery
Mission: Saratoga Joinery is a community woodworking shop with a mission to make woodworking accessible to all.
Volunteer needs:
- Safety Coordinator - Saratoga Joinery Safety Coordinators are experienced with woodworking machines and spend one four-hour shift per week supervising our members on the equipment and providing a set of helping hands. Safety Coordinators get a Saratoga Joinery membership in exchange for their shift commitment. This opportunity is needed on an ongoing basis.
- Groundskeeper
Saratoga Joinery is looking for a volunteer groundskeeper who can maintain our garden and lawn in the summer. This opportunity is needed on a seasonal basis. - Snow Removal
Saratoga Joinery is looking for someone to help with snow removal during the winter months. This opportunity is needed on a seasonal basis. - Marketing/Communications Volunteer
Saratoga Joinery is looking for a marketing/communications volunteer to write copy for blogs, press releases, social posts and website content. This opportunity is needed on an ongoing basis.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
If interested in volunteering at Saratoga Joinery, please contact info@saratogajoinery.org or fill out a volunteer application on their website at www.saratogajoinery.org.

Rebuilding Together Saratoga County
Mission: Rebuilding Together Saratoga County helps with critical home repair and accessibility modification for Homeowners in Saratoga, Warren, and Washington Counties stay safe, warm, and dry.
Volunteer needs:
- Become a Health and Safety Ambassador
- Collect and assemble Health and safety material and stuff bags
- Lead a garden clean up this spring
- Build a step and landing or ramp
- Collect Adopt a family items
- Make sacked lunches for our weekday Crew
- Become a greeter for Showcase of Homes (Fall Only)
- Help assist with big office mailings (generally in late summer, early fall)
- Sharing information about our mission and programs with family, friends, and neighbors!
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
If interested in volunteering at Rebuilding Together Saratoga County, please contact Clarice Eaton at clarice@rtsaratoga.org or visit their website at rtsaratoga.org

- Develop, evaluate, and as appropriate launch new businesses; and
- Overcome difficulties and find opportunities to make their operating business more successful.

Girl Scouts of Northeastern NY
Mission: Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Girl Scouts explore their strengths, take on new challenges, and can always be themselves, regardless of background or ability. Supported by adult volunteers and mentors right here in our community, Girl Scouts lead the way as they discover who they are and how they can make the future a brighter place.
Volunteer Needs:
- Volunteer with a Troop. Troops are a group of girls in similar grades who explore new things together! Troops are the way 90% of Girl Scouts participate and they need caring volunteers to help run them! You could lead a group in your community, be a chaperone, or help a troop with their activities, cookies, accounting, and more!
- Volunteer with a Service Unit. Service Units are a group of troops in a specific neighborhood who help run programs for girls and provide support to troops! Your neighborhood could you your specific skills in programming or organization!
- Programs volunteer. Help the girls have fun by supporting & delivering Girl Scout programs! Program volunteers will join us at existing programs at one of our service centers or camps, or a community location. Volunteers will facilitate activities, keep girls safe, and create a fun learning environment
- Outreach & Promotion Volunteer. Help grow the mission of Girl Scouts & do fun activities with girls at local events! Outreach volunteers are out-going adults who are excited to attend community events, where they will set up a table highlighting Girl Scouts. They chat with people, share stories, provide sample activities, and invite them to join!
- Summer Camp Volunteer. Help girls explore nature and find the fun outdoors! Camp volunteers support hands-on programming with Girl Scouts during summer camp at Hidden Lake, Camp Is-Sho-Da, and Lake Clear Camp. Day and overnight opportunities are available.
- Cookie Cupboard volunteer. We need your help getting cookies into the hands of our troops! Assist the Product Program Team at our cookie storage locations by loading and counting boxes of cookies for our volunteers.
How to Pitch-In and Volunteer:
Visit their website at: www.girlscoutsneny.org or speak with their team at customercare@girlscoutsneny.org.
Member non-profits can email gdixon@saratoga.org with their information to be included.
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